Tagged: fighting badgers

The Science of Shotlogging

This is what happens when you let a scientist shot-log a film…

Fighting Badgers

When I first became involved with Fighting Badgers, one of the main things I did was spreadsheets. It’s a large part of my job as a research scientist, so it seemed a natural to do as the information started piling up. Contact details, scheduling information, script breakdowns… it was all there, colour coded, formatted, and gorgeous – I can’t say how glad we were for them when it did come time to start scheduling for The Ipanema File – not having the resources to use commercial scheduling software, having it all accessible by pivot table made it a lot less terrifying!

During the shoot, I was happy to take on the job of shotlogging – I knew from previous experience during the editing of Jagoda how vital accurate logs were, and as our editor was not present during the pre-production or shoot, I felt it was only fair to make…

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